According to a report released Friday by the local medical examiner, Grammy-winning country musician Naomi Judd was struggling with bipolar disorder,
when she shot herself and died at her home in Tennessee earlier this year.
and a statement from her family added that she was dealing with post-traumatic stress, too.
Judd and her family had previously discussed in largely general terms her long battle with depression prior to her death by suicide at the end of April.
But the report Friday from the Nashville medical examiner’s office, along with the statement from Judd’s relatives,
offered the most complete description yet of the mental illnesses surrounding her depression.
The 76-year-old former singer had a “significant” history of anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder,
the medical examiner’s report said, citing information provided by her family.
Judd had previously contemplated dying by suicide and was enduring “recent life stressors” when she shot herself in the head at her home during the late morning of 30 April.